Registered Investment Advisor:
Private Equity Investments, Inc.

800 455-6050
The firm has
$1.4 million in assets under management across
12 customer accounts and employs
1 investment advisors.

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Registered Investment Advisor manages assets, makes portfolio composition and individual security selection decisions for a fee, often a percentage of assets invested.

The SEC regulates investment advisors that have over $100 million in assets under management. Investment advisors that do not meet this threshold are generally regulated by the state securities agency in the state where they have their principal place of business. This website provides information about both SEC- and state-registered investment advisor firms.

Investment advisors file Form ADV to register with the SEC or the states. Form ADV contains information about an investment advisor and its business operations.

Additional Resources

A leading source of information on private equity firms, their investment interests, portfolio companies, and professional biographies. Featuring a regularly updated database of thousands of firms, Private Equity Info is a valuable resource for information on financial buyers, hedge funds, mezzanine investors, small business investment companies, valuation firms, M&A advisory firms and institutional real estate investors.

Provides a searchable database of privately held companies.

A compilation of SEC registered broker dealers and their relevant information from FORM ADV.


Investment Advisor Search provides up-to-date information on registered investment advisor firms, executives and funds. We offer the ability to download data on a pay-per-record basis.
Andy Jones
Founder & President


This website is for informational purposes only and is not to be construed as a solicitation or an offer to buy or sell any securities or related financial instruments nor an endorsement of any particular investment advisor firm or individual. No warranty or guarantee of any kind, expressed or implied, is given regarding the accuracy, reliability, veracity, or completeness of the information provided here or by following links from this or any other page within this site, and under no circumstances will the author or service provider be held responsible, or liable for errors, or omissions resulting in any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused by information contained in the material presented on the site, including but not limited to direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages caused by using the information.